Now showing items 1-20 of 29

      Data, collected,assess, effect, inquiry-based, learning, environmental, knowledge, attitudes, pre-service, biology, teachers [1]
      Deciphering, antimycobacterial, cytotoxicity, phytochemical, profile, Entada abyssinica, stem, bark [1]
      Degradation, metribuzin, soils, [1]
      Density, Dependent, Delayed, Migration, Rosenzweig-Macaurther, Model , Holling ,Type II,Predator, Functional, Response [1]
      Derivatization, Reactions, Reagents ,Gas ,Chromatography, Analysis [1]
      Derivatization, Reactions, Reagents, Gas, Chromatography, Analysis. [1]
      Determinants, Negotiated, Wages, Banking, Industry [1]
      Determinants, Nutritional, Status,Pregnant Women, Njoro Sub, County, Hospital, Nakuru [1]
      Determination, hematological, response, iron, folic acid, supplementation, expectant, mothers, attending, County, Referral, Hospital, [1]
      Determination, Irrigation Water, Requirement, Tomato, Crop, Rachuonyo North, Sub Catchment, CROPWAT, Model [1]
      determines, farmers’ ,awareness, interest, adopting, cricket, farming, pilot, study [1]
      Diagnostic, accuracy, Th1 (IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-2) Th2 (IL-4, IL-6 ,IL-10) cytokines, response , AFB, microscopy, smear, negative, PTB- HIV co-infected, patients [1]
      Diagnostic, Assessment, Knowledge, Practices, Secondary, School, Mathematics, Teachers, [1]
      Diagnostic, Performance, Saliva Samples, Asymtomatic ,COVID-19, Infected Patients, [1]
      Differential, Gene, Expression, Host, Ubiquitination, Processes, Childhood, Malarial, Anemia [1]
      Differential,attractiveness,human, foot, odours, Anopheles, gambiae, Giles, sensu, stricto, Diptera, Culicidae, variation, chemical ,composition [1]
      Direct, detection, bacteremia, exploiting, host-pathogen, interactions, lipoteichoic, acid, lipopolysaccharide [1]
      Discovery, α-amylase, α-glucosidase, dual, inhibitors, NPASS, database, management, Type 2, Diabetes Mellitus, A chemoinformatic, approach [1]
      Dissipation, Carbofuran, Soils, Pesticide, Application, Histories [1]
      Distribution, Characterization, Commercialization, Elite Rhizobia, Strains [1]