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dc.contributor.authorTweni, Fredrick Mwanyumba
dc.contributor.authorKemei, Josephat Nairutia
dc.contributor.authorLusambili, Kizito Muchanga
dc.description.abstractHomeschooling and mass media are inseparable entities. The significance of mass media in acceleration of homeschooling is titanic. Mass media provides an avenue for interaction among the homeschoolers and their facilitators as well. It allows for the interchange of content and enhances discussion. Mass media promotes research that has to a greater extent enhanced the success of homeschooling among the practicing individuals who have ended up embracing this curriculum. Therefore, this paper examined the interplay between the two items. It dwelt on its significance and brought about the mutual interdependence that emerges when the two are intertwined for academic use. The paper adopted a qualitative research method and was addressed by phenomenological research design/ approach. It majored on the use of oral interviews, focus group discussion and was supplemented by secondary data from the secondary findings. Moreover, the findings were presented thematically and comprehensively which was enhanced byen_US
dc.publisherAthens Journal of Social Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectInterplay, Mass Media, Homeschoolingen_US
dc.titleAn Interplay Between Mass Media and Homeschoolingen_US

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