Burnout is persistent physical, mental or emotional exhaustion caused by long term stress, usually as a result of excessive workplace and/or personal responsibilities. Since burnout cannot coexist with engagement it's a serious problem for institutions like schools that rely on teachers for good academic performance of the learners. Literatures reviewed indicate that teachers in secondary schools burn-out in the course of their working. However no scholarly research pertaining to burnout behavior and its influence on productivity of teachers had been conducted in Bungoma South Sub-County. Therefore the purpose of this study was to determine burnout behaviour and its influence on productivity of teachers in public secondary school in Bungoma South Sub-County and make recommendations which if implemented may enhance teachers’ wellness hence improved productivity. The specific objectives of the study were; to establish the social, determine the psychological and assess the environmental and the administrative influence of burnout behaviour on productivity of teachers in public secondary school in Bungoma South Sub-County. The study adopted a survey research design which generated both qualitative and quantitative data. The study population comprised one Sub-County Director of Education, 41 principals and 606 teachers in public secondary schools in Bungoma South Sub-County. Secondary schools were put in strata (Boys schools, Girls Schools and Mixed schools). Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 12 secondary schools based on the type of the school and 121 teachers based on gender. Purposive sampling technique was used to select one Sub-County Director of Education and 12 principals from the sampled secondary schools. Primary data was collected from the respondents using a questionnaire and interview schedules while secondary data was collected using document analysis guide. The questionnaire and interview schedule was piloted in three secondary schools excluded in the main study to assess the reliability while content validity of the research instrument was done through the expert advice of the supervisors and members of the department of Educational Psychology of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. Qualitative data was received in verbatim, cleaned and presented in themes and sub themes. Descriptive statistic such as frequency counts, percentages and means and inferential statistics (t-Test) were used to analyse data. Results from the study P (T<=t) one-tail at alpha = 0.05 level and 95% confident interval were: Social 0.003486, Psychological 0.001073, Environmental 1.04697E-05 and the Administrative 7E-09 indicate significant influence of burnout behaviour on productivity of teachers. The study concluded that burnout behaviour has a negative influence on productivity of teachers. Based on the study findings, the Ministry of Education Science and Technology, and the Teachers Service Commission should develop policies that will help curb burnout behaviour and increase awareness creation to school administrators, teachers and all stake holders for enhancement of teachers’ productivity. A similar research should be conducted in other Sub-Counties to elicit a national perspective. It is hoped that findings of this study may help equip education stakeholders with information to understand better burnout behaviour, its influence on productivity of teachers, its prevention and management.
- School of Education [70]