Expansion of public day secondary schools was expected to enhance access and provide quality education to students who miss the opportunity to access boarding facilities due to high school fees charged. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of expansion of public day secondary schools in MumiasEast and Mumias West Sub-Counties on their internal efficiency between 2010 -2015. The specific objectivesof the study were to: determine the effects of trends inenrolmenton internalefficiency of public day secondary schools; establish the effect of expansion of public day secondary school on utilization of selected school physical facilities; and to determine the influence of expansion of public day secondary school on quality of education offered in Mumias East and Mumias West Sub-Counties. The study was guided by a conceptual framework in which independent variable is expansion of public day secondary schools and dependent variable is enhancing internal efficiency. The study employed descriptive survey research design. A sample size of 1,323 students, 164 teachers, 36 principals from a population of 4,410 form 3 and 4 students, 546 teachers, 43 principals respectively; the Sub-County Director of Education was involved. Simple random, saturated and purposive sampling were used to select students / teachers, principals and education officers respectively. Research instruments used were questionnaires and interview schedules. Quantitative data collected from closed questionnaire items was tallied andanalyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of the statistical package for the social sciences Qualitative data was transcribed and organized into categories and themes based on study objectives. Study findings revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between enrolment trends and internal efficiency in public day secondary schools(r=0.571:P<0.05). It was also found that there was a significant and positive relationship between expansion of public day secondary schools and utilization of selected physical facilities(r=0.599: P<0.05). with regard to the third objective, the study found a significant negative relationship betweenexpansion of public day secondary schools and quality of education offered in public day secondary schools (r= -0.501; P<0.05). It was revealed that students enrolment trends significantly influence internal efficiency of public day secondary schools; an increase in enrolment resulted in animproved internal efficiency in public day secondary schools; Expansion of Public day secondary school significantly improved utilization of selected school physical facilities (libraries and laboratories) however it lowered the quality of education offered to learners; thus it impacted negatively on the quality of education offered in public day secondary schools. The study concluded that enrolment trends significantly influence internal efficiency of PDSS; expansion of PDSS significantly improved utilization of selected school facilities (libraries and laboratories) hence enhancing internal efficiency and that expansion of PDSS has a significant negative offered on the quality of education offered to learners in public day secondary schools. The study recommended that an increase in enrolment be accompanied with increased funding to expand school infrastructure that would accommodate increasing students numbers hence enhance internal efficiency of schools; increased enrolment be accompanied by expansion inselected school physical facilities (Libraries and Laboratories) to provide a better teaching and learning environment that would improve the quality of education in public day secondary schools and enhance internal efficiency
- School of Education [70]